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Miss Florida Sunshine Prince/Princess Program

All young people have relative strengths, and the Miss Florida Sunshine Prince/Princess Program helps them identify and understand their own abilities while learning how to positively impact the communities in which they live. These exceptional young people should have access to instructional resources and activities that are commensurate with their talents. They need a supportive peer environment and mentors who can demonstrate and model advanced levels of expertise and creativity in their areas of potential.

A Prince can be no younger than 5 years old or no older than 10 years old on the day they participate at the state competition.

A Princess can be no younger than 5 years old or no older then 11 years old on the day they participate at the state competition.

Exciting changes are in store this year for the Miss Florida Sunshine Prince/Princess Program.

Be A Better Me!!

We will be hosting various age-appropriate workshops to encourage the participants to Be A Better Me!!

During these workshops they'll have the opportunity to interact with each other participates, our leaders and guest speakers to learn to;

Be A Better Communicators,

Be A Better Listeners,

Create A Better Servants Heart,

Be A Better Community Service Ambassadors,

Be A Better Me!!

Also new this year, included in your participation fee, each Prince/Princess will have access to download all pictures taken by the Miss Florida official photographer at all Prince/Princess events.

Visit Miss Florida to register today!!


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